Lonie Name Origin, Meaning and Family History

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Surname Distribution

Census frequency by county

Name Concentrations Within England and Wales

Lonie Surname Statistics

Top Professions for the Lonie family

Profession Census Frequency
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Lonie Surname Variants Ranking

Rank Surname Match Census Frequency
1 Lane 60% 150,628
2 Line 60% 10,706
3 Lean 20% 9,447
4 Looney 50% 3,476
5 Lone 80% 3,303
6 Loney 60% 2,737
7 Laine 40% 2,034
8 Leon 40% 1,929
9 Lion 40% 1,602
10 Alen 20% 1,362
11 Luin 40% 1,332
12 Lain 40% 1,310
13 Elen 20% 1,072
14 Loan 40% 631
15 Lan 40% 472
16 Elan 20% 466
17 Luna 40% 376
18 Loon 40% 351
19 Lune 60% 342
20 Leane 40% 327
21 Loane 60% 276
22 Laan 20% 272
23 Loone 60% 265
24 Alan 20% 262
25 Leen 20% 256
26 Lowney 50% 233
27 Leno 40% 215
28 Lonie 100% 207
29 Len 40% 200
30 Lony 60% 193
31 Luen 20% 163
32 Loony 40% 159
33 Lun 40% 159
34 Lon 60% 146
35 Leone 60% 144
36 Elin 20% 132
37 Laun 20% 131
38 Lene 60% 120

Did you know?

The surname Lonie is the 28th most popular variant of Lane.

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