Potts Name Origin, Meaning and Family History

Potts Name Meaning: A patronymic variant of 'Pott',an aphetic form of 'Philpott',which is a diminutive of 'Phillip'.Greek from Philein 'to love' + hippos 'horse'. Secondly it has a topogarphical meaning for someone who lived by a sunken formation in the ground.

The name is of Anglo-Saxon origin.The first recorded spelling is that of 'Godwin pot',dated 1115.

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Surname Distribution

Census frequency by county

Name Concentrations Within England and Wales

Potts Surname Statistics

Top Professions for the Potts family

Profession Census Frequency
Agricultural Labourer 190
Female Servant 173
Independent 107
Labourer 80
Farmer 77
Male Servant 70
Silk Weaver 55
Cotton Weaver 40
Shoe Maker 32
Collier 27
Weaver 27
Coal Miner 26
Joiner 24
Tailor 21
Dress Maker 19
Cotton Spinner 18
Independant 17
Grocer 15
Apprentice 14
Blacksmith 14
Laundress 12
Brick Maker 12
Baker 11
Cotton Piecer 11
Mariner 11

Potts Surname Variants Ranking

Rank Surname Match Census Frequency
1 Potts 100% 64,750
2 Pitts 80% 21,739
3 Petts 80% 6,842
4 Patts 80% 1,661
5 Pittis 67% 632
6 Pots 80% 409
7 Pottes 83% 266
8 Pettis 67% 250
9 Putts 80% 101

Did you know?

The surname Potts is the most popular version of all its varients

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