Beeks Name Origin, Meaning and Family History

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Surname Distribution

Census frequency by county

Name Concentrations Within England and Wales

Beeks Surname Statistics

Top Professions for the Beeks family

Profession Census Frequency
Bricklayer 1
Clerk In Newspaper Office 1
Domestic Cook 1
Engineer Mechanical And Inspecting A M J C E 1
Char Woman 1
Servant Domestic 1
Cattleman On Farm Agricultural 1
Ordinary Agricultural Labourer 1
Gas Workd Stoker 1
Hosiery Ironwork Knitter 1
Barmaid Domestic 1
Waggoner On Farm Agricultural Horse 1
Painter 1
Police Constable 1
Black Smith 1
Colliery Timberman 1
Railway Porter 1
Timber Haulier 1

Beeks Surname Variants Ranking

Rank Surname Match Census Frequency
1 Bakes 40% 5,539
2 Boakes 50% 2,420
3 Becks 80% 1,171
4 Books 60% 1,072
5 Bex 40% 863
6 Bauks 60% 487
7 Bookes 50% 418
8 Boaks 60% 392
9 Beakes 67% 354
10 Beeks 100% 329
11 Baks 60% 287
12 Beaks 80% 285
13 Buks 60% 152
14 Bukes 40% 121

Did you know?

The surname Beeks is the 10th most popular variant of Bakes.

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