Butter Name Origin, Meaning and Family History

Butter Name Meaning: A nickname for someone with a fancied resemblance to a 'Bittern',a type of 'Heron'.Perhaps being the 'booming' projection of the voice. Possibly occupational.

There is a chance the name is occupational for a 'dairyman' or 'keeper of the buttery'.From old English origin, butere 'butter'.

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Surname Distribution

Census frequency by county

Name Concentrations Within England and Wales

Butter Surname Statistics

Top Professions for the Butter family

Profession Census Frequency
Scholar 802
Agricultural Labourer 169
Labourer 110
General Servant 69
Domestic Servant 56
Dress Maker 52
House Keeper 35
Laundress 34
Annuitant 26
Coal Miner 25
Farm Labourer 23
Carpenter 22
Cotton Weaver 22
Servant 21
Cook 21
Farm Servant 19
Painter 16
Gardener 16
Shoe Maker 15
Clerk 15
Butcher 14
Bricklayer 14
Tailor 14
Baker 14
Frame Work Knitter 14

Butter Surname Variants Ranking

Rank Surname Match Census Frequency
1 Butter 100% 36,633
2 Batter 83% 5,972
3 Botter 83% 427
4 Better 83% 336
5 Buter 83% 295
6 Bitter 83% 140
7 Battier 71% 134
8 Beatter 71% 101

Did you know?

The surname Butter is the most popular version of all its varients

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