Hollingsworth Name Origin, Meaning and Family History

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Surname Distribution

Census frequency by county

Name Concentrations Within England and Wales

Hollingsworth Surname Statistics

Top Professions for the Hollingsworth family

Profession Census Frequency
Scholar 73
Agricultural Labourer 35
At Home 10
Farm Labourer 9
House Servant 8
Framework Knitter 8
Labourer 6
General Servant 5
Gardener 5
Dress Maker 5
Frame Work Knitter 4
Wife 4
Servant 4
Laundress 4
Porter 4
Farmers Daur 4
Domestic Duties 3
Employed At The Silk Mill 3
Power Loom Weaver 3
Sempstress 3
Assistant 3
Groom 3
Pauper 3
Straw Plaiter 3
Woolcomber 3

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