Newell Name Origin, Meaning and Family History

Newell Name Meaning: A variant of Noel,for someone who had a special connection with the christmas season. Middle Enlgish No(u)el 'christmas'.

This could be someone who owed a particular feudal duty of perhaps providing a 'yule-log to the lord of the manor or a performance. given name for someone born during the Christmas period.

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Surname Distribution

Census frequency by county

Name Concentrations Within England and Wales

Newell Surname Statistics

Top Professions for the Newell family

Profession Census Frequency
Scholar 955
Agricultural Labourer 142
Labourer 52
General Labourer 51
Domestic Servant 48
General Servant 47
Cotton Weaver 44
Farm Labourer 44
Laundress 42
Coal Miner 38
Dress Maker 36
Carpenter 24
Blacksmith 20
General Servant Domestic 17
Lace Maker 17
Annuitant 16
Butcher 16
House Keeper 14
Gardener 12
Railway Porter 12
Shoe Maker 12
Housemaid 10
Servant Domestic 10
Cabinet Maker 10
Carter 9

Newell Surname Variants Ranking

Rank Surname Match Census Frequency
1 Newell 100% 34,272
2 Nowell 83% 11,512
3 Newall 83% 10,184
4 Newill 83% 1,702
5 Newel 83% 674
6 Nowill 67% 339
7 Anwell 67% 193
8 Newille 71% 186
9 Nowall 67% 173
10 Nawell 83% 147

Did you know?

The surname Newell is the most popular version of all its varients

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