Soddy Name Origin, Meaning and Family History

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Surname Distribution

Census frequency by county

Name Concentrations Within England and Wales

Soddy Surname Statistics

Top Professions for the Soddy family

Profession Census Frequency
School 3
Motor Engineers Fitter 1
Certificated Teacher 1
Farmer 1
Farmer's Daughter Dairy Work 1
Farmer's Son Working On Farm 1
Baptist Minister 1
Baker & Confectioner 1
Chartered Accountant 1
Flour Merchant 1
Manufacture Ordling Of Bread & Confectionery 1
Private Means 1
Relieving Officer & Collector 1
Retired Corn Merchant 1
Solicitors Articled Clerk 1

Soddy Surname Variants Ranking

Rank Surname Match Census Frequency
1 Soady 80% 747
2 Soody 80% 276
3 Siddy 80% 199
4 Soddy 100% 152

Did you know?

The surname Soddy is the 4th most popular variant of Soady.

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