Wicks Name Origin, Meaning and Family History

Wicks Name Meaning: Thought to derive from the latin 'vicus' which was a word used to describe a village/development on the outskirts of another larger settlement.

A name which may haven been given to someone who lived/worked in a development on the outskirts of a larger settlement of which it depended on, such as a dairy farm.

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Surname Distribution

Census frequency by county

Name Concentrations Within England and Wales

Wicks Surname Statistics

Top Professions for the Wicks family

Profession Census Frequency
Agricultural Labourer 198
Female Servant 95
Labourer 67
Independent 55
Male Servant 33
Carpenter 24
Cloth Worker 14
Farmer 13
Dress Maker 13
Gardener 12
Shoe Maker 11
Servant 11
Ag Labourer 10
Tailor 9
Weaver 9
Brick Layer 9
Pauper 8
Porter 7
Grocer 7
Sawyer 7
Baker 5
Mason 5
Apprentice 5
Bricklayer 5
Pupil 4

Wicks Surname Variants Ranking

Rank Surname Match Census Frequency
1 Wicks 100% 31,940
2 Wickes 83% 3,063
3 Wix 40% 2,325
4 Wecks 80% 547

Did you know?

The surname Wicks is the most popular version of all its varients

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